

This tag is associated with 2 posts

REVIEW: Geppetto

KRISSI WEISS is awed by Emma Dean and Jake Diefenbach’s “dramaturgical” cabaret fairy tale otherwise known as GEPPETTO. Judith Wright Centre, Friday October 5 Heading into the Judith Wright Centre, this evening reminds me I’m getting just that little bit older. The appeal of comfortable seating in a theatre where the sound is sure to be crisp … Continue reading


Into the Woods GEPPETTO’s ever-eloquent EMMA DEAN joins ZENOBIA FROST at Brisbane’s sofa-jungle Junk Bar to talk New York, lederhosen, puppetry and pop. ZENOBIA FROST: You and Jacob [Diefenbach] have just come back from adventures in New York. How was that experience? EMMA DEAN: It was hard being in a foreign city and putting on … Continue reading

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